just a list of some projects that I feel proud enough to share, some more professional, some not. click on a project to visit it!
that's right, you're looking at it. my philosophy is that JavaScript is a little... overused. anything that can reduce the load on the server is a good thing, so I wrote this website entirely in pure HTML and CSS. no frameworks, no nothing. this website was actually designed to run on my Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, but has since migrated to an old HP laptop running nginx in my TV stand. it's cute! click to go on the least exciting adventure you've ever been on.
for my internet art class. the goal was to create a digital garden, something that the creator should tend to over time in order to cultivate a longstanding project. at present, it's just me reviewing albums that i like and dynamically populating a single album page using the magic of JSON. i intend to add features like anonymous comments, and setting up a mySQL database on the backend.
for my internet art class. the goal was to interact with digital folklore, and i decided to do so by creating an alternative to the profile, a predecessor to the profile: the homepage. yes, i made a cute little geocities-style webpage, and populated it with little things about me and some personal philosophy. it's really simple, but i'm quite proud of it. check it out!